Points To Consider To Improve Security Posture Of Enterprises


For different reasons, those employed in the critical area of cybersecurity are always stressed. The workload is immense since cybersecurity teams are typically understaffed. The very essence of the work is highly demanding as well. In such situations, solving the burnout problem requires companies to work better, not harder. Here are some approaches that businesses can adopt to take the challenges head-on.

Understanding The Business

The COVID-19 pandemic has shown that companies need to be able to quickly adjust and adapt, whether in response to a crisis, customer needs, or technology. This need for speed puts IT security at the forefront, to the point that cybersecurity is no more a technology problem; it's a business issue.

Organizations should make cybersecurity the overall business plan part of. In order to ensure that security is integrated in organizational culture, this means inculcating a security-first mindset.

Recognizing The Complexity

COVID-19 has established fresh, intimidating factors that contribute to increasing the degree of uncertainty for businesses to tackle. This increased volatility has also influenced cybersecurity, leading organizations to closely watch the following business developments:

· Disparity in cybersecurity expertise

· Accelerated digital and cloud transformation

· Increased cybercrime and attacks

· A diverse regulatory environment with different geography-based protocols for data handling

The need for organizations to deal with these trends, and the associated confusion they bring, cause many to realize that dealing with cybercrime is not the core competence of their company. Even if it is not their primary sector, it is still too difficult to handle. The overarching goal of companies should be to consider the nature of the pandemic, to innovate and invest in their core competencies, and to ensure that they are highly protected from cyber threats outside their control, requiring a more proactive, resilient approach to cybersecurity.

Re-examine Business Models

There is a need for reassessment of market models and procedures. This analysis should also understand how cybersecurity should be handled as the company moves forward.

During the reassessment, it is important to review the current cybersecurity tools. Are they being put to good use? Do you have redundant toolkits? Do you have the right people with the right skills to take advantage of the instruments? Will managed security facilities alleviate the pressure of the current team?

It is important to deeply evaluate an enterprise's cybersecurity toolbox for a few basics, such as continuous monitoring and up-to-date threat information for proactive responses. If it doesn't have these variables, it is time for a move.


The ray of hope for most security departments is the fact that there has been considerable advancement in cybersecurity technology in the last few years. Nevertheless, many businesses have not fully committed themselves to the use of automation in cybersecurity as a way to achieve scale.

It will be difficult for cybersecurity organizations that rely on manual changes and procedures to keep up. Cybersecurity needs to be dynamic and automated on a wide scale in order to reach the scope and speeds of modern network architectures.

Knowing The Opponent

The opponent of today is determined and knows the course of least resistance. If businesses pursue the strategy of protecting digital assets only during business hours, adversaries can quickly discover this.

Today's organization is global, which means there is no downtime for business or adversaries. Cybersecurity is needed round the clock, regardless of the geographic location or time zone of the organization. Knowing this round-the-clock attitude will help to distribute the required resources at the right time to enhance security across the enterprise.


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