ERP Data Security Risk Prevention


In the past, the US government has warned businesses about the increasing danger of attacks against resource planning systems for businesses. The alert came after a study revealing the prevalent violations of Oracle and SAP systems. Although government agencies and many other industries are especially vulnerable to security outbreaks, smaller businesses and manufacturers are more likely to become victims of breaches.

It does not deter companies from searching for ERP solutions, as upsetting as this news is. Organizations would fall behind in our fast-paced marketplace without implementing ERP to automate workflows and serve as a central hub of business data. Our information has never been 100% secure, and vulnerabilities in cyber-attacks often stem more from weak protocols than from the systems themselves. With each protection measure, a business takes, the risk of being hacked decreases dramatically. We address the measures businesses should take to ensure robust ERP data protection in this section.

Upgrades And Updates

The news of rising ERP attacks proves the need to regularly update and upgrade your applications. Outdated, unpatched cases of a large number of compromised systems have occurred. Upgrades and patches are also delayed as long as possible by companies because they do not want to invest in the process. However, most new releases include fixes and safety features designed to solve safety challenges. New threats are constant, and the software needs to stay on top of the changes. The longer you hold to your legacy system, the more vulnerable it will be to attack.

SoD And Training For Employees

Often it is not the software itself that is the greatest danger to the credibility of the data; it is the people who use it. When users do not properly hand over data, the company becomes a prime target for hackers. That's why you can train users not only during ERP deployments but maintain an ongoing training program. This allows users to acquaint themselves again with security protocols so that they maintain adequate cyber-hygiene.

Another way to ensure that the users manage the data correctly is to segregate duties. Segregation of Duties (SoD) includes the dissemination of tasks among many people. In this way, the protection of confidential data and the execution of critical procedures are not solely the responsibility of one person. Managers should control logins, and abuse, if any, can be detected.

Maintenance Of Database

The ERP database is a prime goal for hackers. Companies need to put in place numerous measures to ensure robust ERP data protection. One indicator is encryption, which acts as one of the most powerful forms of protecting information by turning data into a code that is meaningless to hackers. In addition to encryption, businesses can run tests to identify potential vulnerabilities.

But hackers are not only specifically targeting a database; they often use backdoor methods to access sensitive company information. IT staff must remain vigilant on all fronts, secure firewalls, update passwords, and implement two-step verification methods in order to provide maximum protection. Since maintaining security standards is such a heavy responsibility, organizations should employ the assistance of specialists to guide them through this stage to ensure that there is no opening for attack.


The main lesson from the increase in ERP violations is not that business software is unsafe; it is that confidential data is at risk irrespective of where it is stored because there are no adequate security protocols. Fortunately, you can obtain protection and compliance features out of the box with the right provider to streamline your ERP data security measures. Security of your files, documents, transactions, and permits is protected by the ideal data protection solution.


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