PeopleSoft SSO: Improving Employee Experience

Employees manage various logins, including emails, financials, CRM software, and other programs and systems built during a regular workday to simplify their daily activities. Remembering and recalling all the usernames and passwords associated with such systems can be daunting and contribute to a loss of productivity.

Single Sign-On (SSO) is an Identity and Access Management (IAM) method that enables users to authenticate securely with different websites and applications, by signing in only once — with only one set of credentials. The app or website (which the user is attempting to access) relies on a trusted third party with a Single Sign-On solution to authenticate the users' identity.

Why is SSO important today for Human Resource Organizations?

1. SSO Makes the HR System User-Friendly and Easy to Use

SSO's greatest benefit is that users can switch between applications safely without having to specify their credentials time and again. SSO effectively incorporates individual services into the HR network and removes operational limitations. Having the flexibility to switch rapidly from one program to another improves the productivity and overall experience.

2. SSO Strengthens Compliance and Security

More than half of the employees use the same or similar passwords on various portals and accounts. SSO integration enables employees to remember only one credential master set, preventing them from creating complicated password sets, reuse poor passwords, or keep physical records of all passwords.

SSO is also helpful in compliance management. Some regulations require reporting of IT controls and that there are sufficient data protection measures in place for businesses to display. SSO integration helps fulfill those requirements for accessing data securely.

3. SSO Optimizes IT Resources and Costs

The integration of SSO helps IT administrators save precious time and money by using a single network access management service. Integrating a modern SSO reduces the number of passwords that users have to remember. This also means that users are less likely to give the IT department password reset tickets and login related issues.

PeopleSoft and SSO

For many organizations, the integration of SSO with human capital management software is a challenge. PeopleSoft HCM, for instance, does not have the capabilities to meet the latest SSO standard, based on SAML.

SAML (Security Assertion Markup Language) is the technology that empowers modern SSOs by enabling identity providers to pass credentials for authorization to Service Providers (SPs). The SAML format is used by most of the Identity Providers (IdPs), including ADFS, Shibboleth, OKTA, Ping, and Azure. Because of PeopleSoft's lack of native support for SAML, implementing PeopleSoft SSO needs custom coding to handle SAML assertions, which require specialized knowledge. Often additional hardware is required too. It also involves spinning up and adding an external web server to the current system. After deployment, the program management and engineering teams are overburdened with the increased workload. All this system needs constant maintenance.

As such, there is no structured support available when custom coding is completed. Furthermore, any support operation needs highly specialized expertise and skills, well familiar with the customization.

PeopleSoft SSO: The Competitive Advantage

This is where a turnkey solution that can successfully overcome these problems is needed. Such a solution can help you ace these challenges to PeopleSoft HCM SAML SSO by providing a layer of SAML integration needed to link PeopleSoft, an Identity Provider, and enterprise Single Sign-On (SSO).

It can help PeopleSoft customers integrate SAML SSO Identity Providers such as Azure AD, ADFS, OKTA, Shibboleth, etc. It should ideally ensure compatibility with native SAMLs to provide seamless PeopleSoft SSO. Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) solutions can be implemented at the login and transaction levels to provide an adaptive, risk-conscious MFA that allows zero trust without creating user friction.

Such a solution should provide the easiest and most affordable way to execute a PeopleSoft SAML Single Sign-On project ever. It's high time enterprises streamlined their processes of identity and access management, thus enhancing their security postures and improving employee experience.


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